Hearing aids now come in all different styles and colours depending upon the type and level of hearing loss. Here are a few of the most common but don’t forget if green is your favourite colour they’ll be one to suit you as well.
CIC completely in canal
ITC In The Ear
Receiver in the ear
Power BTE with ear mould
Wireless Products
Many of the current hearing aids available can now be linked into a variety of sources with a wireless link to help even further.
Many of the manufacturers now have a rechargeable option which allows the hearing aids to be charged overnight, batteries only need to be changed yearly or every five years depending on the product.
Hearing Aids can now be linked into the television so that the sound is streamed direct into the hearing aids, this allows an even better sound quality and the television can be at a much lower volume for anyone else listening.
Mobile Phones
Hearing aids can connect to your mobile phone providing it has bluetooth. This allow you can take calls in noisy situations. Some manufactuers have apps on the smartphones which allows greater control of the hearing aids with volume or sound shaping-it sounds complicated but its not and for the right person and lifestyle can be of a great benefit.
Landline Phone
Traditionally a difficult situation for hearing aid users but now with the wireless link to a landline phone this allow clarity without whistling or interference. You can also answer the phone remotely and the caller’s voice streamed into the hearing aids.
Remote Mics
Useful for lectures or in noisy situations for a 1:1 conversation.